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Oct 29, 2019 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

Safe In Our World, a Charity Where Mental Health Meets Video Games

Making a difference, one player at a time


We here at First 4 Figures try to show our support for mental health awareness in any way that we can. This time around, we have partnered with Safe In Our World to help raise awareness surrounding this global phenomenon. Safe In Our World is an accredited charity organization that launched just recently during World Mental Health Day of 2019. Specifically targetting the video gaming industry, their mission is to spread awareness and eradicate the stigmas of mental health so that anyone suffering in secret may freely express themselves.


Safe In Our World is also a platform that relays the latest news, shares the latest stories, and provides the most relevant information regarding mental health. Their website has a checklist of feelings and symptoms to help you determine if you are experiencing some form of mental issue. If you wish to seek professional assistance, they also have an extensive list of contact information to the involved parties in your country.


Lastly, Safe In Our World encourages developers and publishers to nurture a working environment that caters to the needs of their employees with mental health concerns and utilize their brand to promote awareness. The good news is that the industry is already on the right track. There are video games and applications that not only touch on the subject but were also developed by those who suffer from mental problems. Celeste and Fractured Minds are just some examples. Their wish was to provide a bird's eye view of what it's like to live with such daily struggles, and not only did they succeed, they also received accolades for them.


Learn more about the story behind the award-winning developer of Fractured Minds.


According to the World Health Organization, one out of four people suffer from mental health issues, and with over 2.4 billion players worldwide as of 2019, the video gaming industry is in a position to leave a positive influence on the cause. We cannot begin to explain how having something to relate to right at your fingertips already imparts an unimaginable impact to those in need, and it can only improve from there.


To donate in helping achieve their mission, please click HERE.


If you need someone to talk to, you may also join our Official Collectors Club where you can meet and make friends with like-minded individuals such as yourself. We will do our best to assist you. F4F is love, F4F is life, and we are here to make a difference, one gamer at a time.

Last Update 2019-10-29 10:48:32
Read 6808 Times
Published in First 4 Figures

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