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Solid Snake (Exclusive)

Product Review (submitted on February 22, 2019):
Solid Snake Exclusive number 642 checking in!!
First off, I gotta say this is bigger than I thought. No joke, I wasn’t prepared for the size.
This is my first statue from F4F and I gotta do a review on this.
As a huuuuuuge Metal Gear fan, I was excited the moment I saw the teaser for the MG license.
Upon finally receiving Snake, I am glad I bought this. The wait was long but so worth it.
Quality is unbelievable. Packed with care, not a single ding or chip in paint anywhere. Paint details are amazing. The dark cracks and rusted rebar in the concrete with real looking snow just set the mood so well.
The model is gorgeous and is so surreal. The almost translucent skin tone looks real. The texture on every part of it make it look absolutely life-like!
The NVG/Thermal giggles are wonderful. (And bright too)
This thing is heavy. Wasn’t expecting that either. Means it’s well done!
I can’t stop staring at it. I love it!
Worth every penny and worth the wait!
I could not have imagined this thing would be this good!
I know F4F does great quality, but this beat my expectations and ran further!
11 out of 5. Will be getting more for sure!
I am happy! Thank you F4F!
To everyone in the process from concept to ship, thank you for all your hard work!