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Sep 13, 2019 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

3 Reasons Why You Should Play the Gears of War Series



Kait Diaz pre-orders NOW OPEN!

We recently launched our KAIT DIAZ statue from the Gears of War series during the opening day of Gamescom 2019, and avid fans of the franchise were blown away. If you've never tried any of the Gears of War titles out before, we highly recommend that you do as it is an experience unlike any other. The trilogy of the series were all critically acclaimed, and the latest installment, GEARS 5, just released last 10 September 2019 exclusively on Xbox One and Windows.


And so, without further ado, we present you three reasons why we think you should play the Gears of War series.


Kait Diaz (Definitive Edition)Kait Diaz (Definitive Edition)

  1. Immersive storyline


Often times when playing a shooting game franchise, the story in Campaign Mode between each installment isn't tied with one another. That isn't the case, however, with the Gears of War series. The beginning of a new installment always kicks off from the previous one, which then builds an entire universe for players to immerse themselves in. It gives the plot more meaning because, at the end of each campaign, you know for a fact that there's more to the entirety than meets the eye. And the best part about this is you can form some sort of bond with each character because you've grown fond of them over time as you encounter them in each title. Kait Diaz, for example, made her debut appearance in Gears of War 4 as one of three playable protagonists. Now in Gears 5, she takes center stage and follows where Gears of War 4 left off.


Gears 5 screenshotKait Diaz (Definitive Edition)

  1. Action-packed gameplay


I feel that the term "action-packed" doesn't describe the gameplay in Gears of War vividly enough. Let me try to paint you a picture: prepare yourselves as you blow the heads off your enemies with your destructive firearms and chainsaw your way through and bathe in the blood of hordes of monsters as you try to save humanity from world domination. Yup, that sounds about right. On top of that, the controls and transitions are buttery smooth and seamless regardless of what action it is you perform on-screen. And, you can enjoy all these with others in local or online co-op modes. It doesn't get much better than that.


Gears 5 screenshotGears 5 screenshot

  1. Expansive and highly detailed setting


According to The Coalition Studio Head Rod Fergusson during the Microsoft E3 2018 Press Conference, Gears 5 will be their "most ambitious Gears of War title yet", featuring five unique game modes and a breathtaking world that will undoubtedly take fans and newcomers alike to new heights. Now that we've had a chance to dip our feet into the game, I can confidently say that his statement holds true. The game is absolutely gorgeous and lives up to today's industry standards. The details are crisp, the colors vibrant, and the depth of field profound. It truly is a work of art in a video game clamshell.



Well, that is all we have for now. Hopefully, this convinces some of you to jump onto the Gears of War hype. Our KAIT DIAZ statue is still open for pre-orders until the 11th of October 2019. That still gives you plenty of time to try the series out yourselves. For more Gears of War and First 4 Figures news and updates, please join our First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club on Facebook.


Last Update 2019-09-13 02:24:21
Read 3529 Times
Published in Gears of War

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