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Aug 09, 2019 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

3 Reasons Why You Should Play the Spyro™ the Dragon Series



Spyro™ pre-orders NOW OPEN!

We recently launched our SPYRO™ statue from the Spyro™ the Dragon series, and avid fans of the franchise are in love. Although a former PlayStation mascot in the early 90's, some of you may have never touched any of the Spyro™ the Dragon video game titles before, so you may be wondering why this purple dragon is well-beloved by most in the Official Collectors Club. We highly recommend that you give the series a try as it is an experience unlike any other.


Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy is a remastered version of the classic trilogy and is the perfect way to introduce new players to the series. It is currently available for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and it will soon be available on the Nintendo Switch and PC this 3 September 2019.


And so, without further ado, we present you three reasons why we think you should play the Spyro™ the Dragon series.


Spyro™ (Exclusive Edition)Spyro™ (Standard Edition)

  1. Relatable protagonist


The original Spyro™ the Dragon first came out in September of 1998, and the majority of its player base back then (and still fans of the franchise now) were us 90's kids. In the game, Spyro™ is a smart-mouthed young dragon that, oddly enough, reminds us of our immature selves back in the day. We are all well aware that kids inevitably go through some sort of naughty phase in their lives, especially during the prime of their youth. It is during these times where they innocently feel that they are kings or queens of their own little world. From the perspective of a child playing this game, we unconsciously saw a little bit of that spunky characteristic of Spyro™ in ourselves, especially in his demeanor towards the older dragons, and we all thought that we could be as cool as him if we tried.


Crystal Dragon (Exclusive)Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Nestor)

  1. Witty dialogue


The banter between Spyro™ and the elder dragons after being rescued are still some of the most humorous dialogues from any video game. When Spyro™ finds and touches a Crystal Dragon, it turns the older dragons back into their original form. Just before departing, the older dragons always have a few words to share with our young hero, and these exchanges of dialogue add memorable value to the entire Spyro™ experience.


Spyro Reignited Trilogy Selection Screen

  1. Striving to become a completionist as a child


A good number of video gamers nowadays strive to 100% each game they get their hands on. Although never easy, the sense of accomplishment one feels by doing so is in and of itself rewarding. In the 90's, as much as we wanted to find and collect every single thing in each game that we played, it was never that easy as a kid. However, because the lives of other dragons were "at stake", we felt the motivation to find every single Crystal Dragon in the game, even if it wasn't mandatory. And since we were already on the subject of finding things, we also felt the urge to find everything else as well. On top of that, because the game was well made, although still quite challenging, it felt that these tasks were achievable with enough effort. It was games like these that we have to thank that sparked our inner completionist at a very young age.


First 4 Figures Spyro™ the Dragon series

Well, that is all we have for now. Hopefully, this convinces some of you to jump onto the Spyro™ the Dragon hype. Our SPYRO™ statue is still open for pre-orders until the 6th of September 2019. That still gives you plenty of time to try the series out yourselves.


Furthermore, if you are interested in more products from First 4 Figures' Spyro™ the Dragon series, you may still jump on the waitlist for your desired version of our Crystal Dragon and Spyro™ PVC statues. For more information on how our waitlist works, kindly click HERE.


For more Spyro™ the Dragon and First 4 Figures news and updates, please join our First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club on Facebook.


Last Update 2019-09-12 07:53:43
Read 8699 Times
Published in Spyro the Dragon

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