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Nov 25, 2019 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood Giveaway

TEN (10) CHANCES to win yourself a copy of Konami's Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood video game!

Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood

Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of BloodCastlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood


In line with our most recent Dracula product launch, Konami was generous enough to provide us with TEN (10) PlayStation 4 digital copies of their Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Blood and Rondo of Blood video game, and we are giving these away to TEN (10) lucky winners!


We will be having mini-contests for ten (10) days from 25-29 November 2019 HKT and 2-6 December 2019 HKT, and everyone is welcome to participate.


To win, all you have to do is:


  1. Join our First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club Facebook group.
  2. Participate in any of our giveaway contests listed below.


Sounds simple enough? Great! But, before we begin, we would like to remind everyone that our DRACULA statue is still open for pre-orders until the 20th of December 2019, and ALUCARD is still available in stock until supplies last. Grab yours now before it's too late!


Dracula statue pre-orders NOW OPEN!


And now, without further ado, it's time to give away some goodies!



Giveaway #1 | 25 November 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, JIREH RESURRECCION! You are the first winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


All you have to do is leave a comment in the comments section of this blog together with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem. (NOTE: Kindly scroll down to see the comments section of this blog.) A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #2 | 26 November 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, SHANTAL GOLDSMITH! You are the second winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Now is your chance to slide your way into Alex's friend list. For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Add First 4 Figures' Alex Davis as a friend on Facebook.
  2. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem.


Alex will randomly select a winner by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #3 | 27 November 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, DWAYNE CRITCHFIELD! You are the third winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Backtrack a little bit because now you'll have to find your way into Chockles' friend list. For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Add First 4 Figures' Tsoek Cheung (a.k.a. Chockles) as a friend on Facebook.
  2. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem.


Chockles will randomly select a winner by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #4 | 28 November 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, CRIMSON RAIDER! You are the fourth winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Will you be able to locate the secret area that is Peggy's friend list? For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Add First 4 Figures' Peggy Hsieh as a friend on Facebook.
  2. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem.


Peggy will randomly select a winner by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #5 | 29 November 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, JESSICA BENSON! You are the fifth winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


We are halfway through our giveaway spree! For this next one, all you have to do is:


  1. Add First 4 Figures' Miguel Galvez as a friend on Facebook.
  2. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem.


Miguel will randomly select a winner by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #6 | 2 December 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, ANETT CSORBA! You are the sixth winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


How about we show Konami our support and appreciation over at Facebook. For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Like Konami on Facebook.
  2. Like Castlevania on Facebook.
  3. Like First 4 Figures on Facebook.
  4. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #7 | 3 December 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, @nalucinacao! You are the seventh winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via Instagram to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Now that our support for Konami is in full swing over at Facebook, how about we show them some love as well on Twitter and Instagram? For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Follow Konami on Twitter and Instagram.
  2. Follow First 4 Figures on Twitter and Instagram.
  3. Like and comment on this INSTAGRAM POST with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #8 | 4 December 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, YVETTE GARCIA! You are the eighth winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via e-mail to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Are you Team Alucard (Exclusive Edition) or Team Alucard (Twilight Edition)? For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


The contest has ended. Thank you for participating and good luck in the next one.)


  1. Vote for your favorite Alucard variant.
  2. Complete as many Gleam tasks as possible to garner more entries for this giveaway.
  3. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #9 | 5 December 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, LAHARI CAMPOS! You are the ninth winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


What's your favorite familiar to use when facing off against the Lord of Wallachia in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night? For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Let us know in the comments of this FACEBOOK POST which of Alucard's familiars is your favorite to use when facing off against Dracula in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
  2. Be sure to like and share the post, and don't forget to leave the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem in the comments as well.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone!


Giveaway #10 | 6 December 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, SYLVAIN COJAN! You are the tenth and final winner of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree! We will contact the winner via e-mail to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Once again, thank you to everyone who participated and we shall you in the next one!)


This is it, everyone—the last day of our Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood giveaway spree. Do you agree with Dracula's actions to take revenge on the humans for the loss of his wife, or will you side with Alucard and put an end to his father's wrath? For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


(The contest has ended. Thank you for participating!)


  1. Vote for Team Father or Team Son in the Gleam giveaway form.
  2. Complete as many tasks as possible to garner as many entries for this giveaway.
  3. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FCastlevaniaRequiem.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and thank you so much for participating! We hope you enjoyed the ride as much as we did, and we wish to do more of these giveaways for you in the future. If you have any feedback with regards to any of our giveaway contests, kindly leave your suggestions in the comments section below. Once again, shoutout to Konami for providing us these Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood copies to share with our beloved community. F4F is love, F4F is life, and we shall see you in the next one!

Last Update 2019-12-07 09:51:09
Read 36875 Times
Published in Castlevania

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