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Dec 14, 2017 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

How to Validate Your Pre-Order

This is a step-by-step guide (with images) on how to validate your pre-orders.


The purpose of validating is to secure a Signature Edition, which grants you additional freebies when receiving your order. Please keep in mind that you only have 24 hours to validate your pre-orders.


Here's what you need to do:


  1. The "VALIDATE NOW" button will be available to everyone at 4:00 PM HKT, so be sure to log into your account before then to expedite the validating process.


Validation Guidelines (Step 1)



  1. After logging in, under the "RECENT ORDERS" section, click on the "VIEW ORDER" link of the order you wish to validate.


Validation Guidelines (Step 2)



  1. Once inside your order details, click the "GO TO VALIDATION PAGE" button to be redirected to the Validation Page. (Pro tip: You may already enter the Validation Page even before 4:00 PM HKT.)


Validation Guidelines (Step 3)



  1. BEFORE 4:00 PM HKT, you will only see a "PLEASE CLICK HERE TO REFRESH" button. Instead of having to refresh the entire webpage when the clock strikes 4:00 PM HKT, all you have to do is click this "PLEASE CLICK HERE TO REFRESH" button instead. (NOTE: There will be a countdown timer available for everyone's reference.)


Validation Guidelines (Step 4)



  1. After clicking the "PLEASE CLICK HERE TO REFRESH" button, the same button will turn into a "VALIDATE NOW" button. Click this to validate your pre-order.


Validation Guidelines (Step 5)



  1. The next webpage you see will indicate that your order has successfully been validated. It will also indicate the time at which the system captured the validation of your order.


Validation Guidelines (Step 6)



If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave a comment below and we will get back to you shortly. Alternatively, you may also contact Customer Service through our CONTACT US online form.

Last Update 2019-12-09 02:57:04
Read 47721 Times
Published in First 4 Figures

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