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Dec 09, 2017 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

That Varia Suits You

Who among you left last Friday's live stream early?


Were you able to catch F4F’s most recent Friday Q&A with Chocks and A episode last December 8, 2017? If you were able to watch it until the very end, then you know what to expect before the year ends; if not, then allow me to shed some light for you.


For several months now, countless members have been asking for Varia Suit Samus updates. Questions like, "When will pre-orders re-open?" or, "What does the new Varia Suit look like now after the changes Nintendo requested?" or, "Any updates on Varia Suit?" have been thrown around the club constantly. It eventually reached a point wherein an admin of the Official Collectors Club finally decided to create an entire thread just for this purpose, which others can now refer to from time to time.


Well, just before episode #48 ended, Alex and Chockles apparently had this video clip up their sleeve:



You read that right, everyone! It's confirmed that LAST CHANCE WEEKEND for VARIA SUIT SAMUS will take place just before the year ends, DECEMBER 29, 2017. Don't forget to place your orders then because that will be your last chance at purchasing your very own Varia Suit statue.


It hasn't been revealed yet as to what the new changes are going to look like, but that will come very soon. Please do note that because of these changes requested by the Big N, the Varia Suit to be sold during Last Chance Weekend will be more expensive compared to the older version. It still hasn't been determined as to how much more expensive the newer version will be. And finally, for those who have already placed their pre-orders and have joined the waitlist in the past, you're in luck. You are all GUARANTEED to receive the newer version of the Varia Suit without having to pay the increased price difference (yes, that also means that everyone currently on the waitlist will automatically be converted).


Other than the modifications yet to be seen, there's nothing else to do now but wait. I know all of you are very excited, and so are we. Let us know in the comments section below if you are thinking about taking advantage of Varia Suit's upcoming Last Chance Weekend.


Last Update 2017-12-09 14:49:29
Read 6353 Times
Published in Metroid

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