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Jan 16, 2018 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

Golden Collector Awards 2017: the Results Are In

Did you win?


The 2017 Golden Collector Awards show aired last 14 January 2018, 8:30 PM GMT, and the winners of each sub-category have finally been announced. Just to refresh everyone's memory, there are three major categories (Channel, Artist, and Web) and a combined total of 21 sub-categories and one special recognition award to be won. Fortunately enough, First 4 Figures has one nomination under each major category:


  1. Channel – Best Long Chat (31 minutes or more) for their Friday Q&A with Chocks and A Facebook Live Stream
  2. Artist – Best Professional Sculpt for their Artorias the Abysswalker statue from their Dark Souls line
  3. Web – Best Facebook Group (First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club)


So, First 4 Figures won the most prestigious award during ToySoul 2017 and StatueForum's 2017 Best Gaming Statue all thanks to you – our beloved F4F community. Do you think that you successfully added another notch or three under F4F's community belt? How many awards do you reckon we won? Did we even win at least one award?


Well, before moving any further, regardless of what the results are, we here at First 4 Figures would just like to thank each and every one of you once again for your continued love and support.


And now, without further ado, drum roll, please.


First 4 Figures is proud to announce that you won not one, not two, but ALL THREE categories!


Best Long Chat (31 Minutes or More)

Best Professional Sculpt

Best Facebook Group


And, on top of this, since First 4 Figures was the major sponsor of the event, we also provided one (1) Bowser (Exclusive) statue to be given away during the awards show, and we would like to congratulate PALMER TANAKA for winning! Thank you for supporting First 4 Figures and the Collector-Verse!


Bowser (Exclusive) Winner 


If you would like to watch the announcements, here are the clips:












Lastly, we would like to congratulate the Collector-Verse for a successful show and a job well done! Surely, everyone in attendance enjoyed every moment of it, and we look forward to seeing you in next year's Golden Collector Awards.


F4F is love, F4F is life! Congratulations, everyone!


Last Update 2018-03-28 04:43:12
Read 4268 Times
Published in First 4 Figures

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