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Feb 25, 2019 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience Giveaway

TEN (10) CHANCES to win yourself a copy of Konami's Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience video game!


Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience

Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive ExperienceMetal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience


In line with our most recent Solid Snake SD 8″ PVC product launch, Konami was generous enough to provide us with TEN (10) PlayStation 4 digital copies of their Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience video game, and we are giving these away to TEN (10) lucky winners!


We will be having mini contests for ten (10) days from 25 February 2019 to 1 March 2019 HKT and 4 March 2019 to 8 March 2019 HKT, however only those in the US, Latin America, and Canada regions can participate.


To win, all you have to do is:


  1. Join our First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club Facebook group.
  2. Participate in any of our giveaway contests listed below.


Sounds simple enough? Great! But, before we begin, we would like to remind everyone that our SOLID SNAKE SD 8″ PVC statue is still open for pre-orders until the 29th of March 2019, PSYCHO MANTIS open until further notice, and SOLID SNAKE still open for waitlist. For more information on how our waitlist works, kindly click HERE. Grab yours now before it's too late!


Solid Snake SD 8″ PVC pre-orders NOW OPEN!


And now, without further ado, it's time to give away some goodies!



Giveaway #1 | 25 February 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, JENNIFER TRAYNOR! You are the winner of our first Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


All you have to do is leave a comment in the comments section of this blog together with the hashtag #F4FMGSV. (NOTE: Kindly scroll all the way down to see the comments section of this blog.) A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and may you succeed in your tactical espionage operations.


Giveaway #2 | 26 February 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, JACQUELINE THOMAS! You are the winner of our second Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Now is your chance to stealth your way into Alex's friend list. For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Add First 4 Figures' Alex Davis as a friend on Facebook.
  2. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FMGSV.


Alex will randomly select a winner by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and may you succeed in your tactical espionage operations.


Giveaway #3 | 27 February 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, ANDREW E JACOBSON! You are the winner of our third Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Now that you've infiltrated Alex Davis, it is time to make your way to Chockles' friend list. For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Add First 4 Figures' Tsoek Cheung (A.K.A. Chockles) as a friend on Facebook.
  2. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FMGSV.


Chockles will randomly select a winner by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and may you succeed in your tactical espionage operations.


First 4 Figures Facebook page


Giveaway #4 | 28 February 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, JUAN GUZMAN! You are the winner of our fourth Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Now that you've infiltrated both Alex and Chockles, the only thing left to do now is to find your way to Peggy's friend list. For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Add First 4 Figures' Peggy Hsieh as a friend on Facebook.
  2. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST with the hashtag #F4FMGSV.


Peggy will randomly select a winner by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and may you succeed in your tactical espionage operations.


Giveaway #5 | 1 March 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, STACIA DOWDY! You are the winner of our fifth Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


For this giveaway, all you need to know for now is that you need to join Alex and Chockles during their Friday Q&A Facebook live stream tonight, 1 March 2019 at 10:00 PM HKT. Further details on how to win this giveaway will be given during the live stream. You may watch them on First 4 Figures' main Facebook page or Official Collectors Club Facebook group. Good luck to everyone and see you then!


Giveaway #6 | 4 March 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, RACHEL SMITH! You are the winner of our sixth Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


We are halfway through our giveaway spree, and we appreciate everyone that has participated thus far. How about we show Konami some love over at Facebook. For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Like Konami on Facebook.
  2. Like Metal Gear Solid on Facebook.
  3. Like First 4 Figures on Facebook.
  4. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST using the hashtag #F4FMGSV.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and may you succeed in your tactical espionage operations.


Giveaway #7 | 5 March 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, BLAKE MACK! You are the winner of our seventh Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via Instagram to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Now that the support on Facebook is in full swing, it is time to take things to a different platform. For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


  1. Follow the Konami page (@konami) on Instagram.
  2. Follow the First 4 Figures page (First 4 Figures) on Instagram.
  3. Like and comment on this INSTAGRAM POST using the hashtag #F4FMGSV.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and may you succeed in your tactical espionage operations.


Giveaway #8 | 6 March 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, ANTHONY VEGLIA! You are the winner of our eighth Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via e-mail to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Solid Snake (and Solid Snake SD) has the most SKUs to date in F4F history, and it is understandable if people have difficulty picking their favorite Solid Snake variant(s). For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


(The contest has ended. Thank you for participating and good luck in the next one.)


  1. Vote for your favorite Solid Snake SD variant.
  2. Complete as many tasks as possible to garner as many entries for this giveaway.
  3. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST using the hashtag #F4FMGSV.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and may you succeed in your tactical espionage operations.


Giveaway #9 | 7 March 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, KENNETH PEREIRA! You are the winner of our ninth Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via e-mail to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and good luck on the next giveaway.)


Who from the Metal Gear Solid series would you like to see next? For this giveaway, all you have to do is:


(The contest has ended. Thank you for participating and good luck in the next one.)


  1. Enter the Metal Gear Solid character you would like to see next.
  2. Complete as many tasks as possible to garner as many entries for this giveaway.
  3. Like, comment on, and share this FACEBOOK POST using the hashtag #F4FMGSV.


A winner will be chosen at random by 5:50 PM HKT the following day, and this blog will be updated around that time to announce the winner. Good luck to everyone and may you succeed in your tactical espionage operations.


Giveaway #10 | 8 March 2019 | PlayStation 4


(UPDATE: Congratulations, JM MORREIM! You are the winner of our last Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience giveaway! We will contact the winner via Facebook to instruct them on how to claim their prize. Once again, thank you to everyone who participated and we shall see you in the next one.)


This is it, everyone—the last day of our Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience video game giveaway spree. For our last giveaway, all you need to know for now is that you need to join Alex and Chockles during their Friday Q&A Facebook live stream tonight, 8 March 2019 at 10:00 PM HKT. Further details on how to win this giveaway will be given during the live stream. You may watch them on First 4 Figures' main Facebook page or Official Collectors Club Facebook group.


Good luck to everyone and thank you so much for participating! We hope you enjoyed each day as much as we did, and we wish to do more of these giveaways for you in the future. If you have any feedback with regards to any of our giveaway contests, kindly leave your suggestions in the comments section below. Once again, shoutout to Konami for providing us these Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience copies to share with our beloved community. F4F is love, F4F is life, and we shall see you in the next one!

Last Update 2019-03-08 17:39:35
Read 12994 Times
Published in Metal Gear Solid

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