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May 15, 2019 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

KotR Tourney #4 | Match #4

Link on the King of Red Lions vs. Alucard


With an unexpected difference of just 200 votes, the winner of our KotR Tourney #4 | Match #3 is ALL MIGHT CASUAL WEAR ACTION FIGURE! He will advance to the next round. Considering that My Hero Academia was the number 1 most requested license to date, and given the edition size of Saitama, it was quite the surprise that Saitama was that close to knocking out All Might. The Bald Cape put up an insanely amazing challenge, but All Might went above and beyond Plus Ultra to withstand the infamous one punch.


KotR Tourney #4 | Match #3 Results

King of the Ring Tournament #4 Standings


Next up, for our fourth match, we have Link on the King of Red Lions vs. Alucard!


Link on the King of Red Lions (Exclusive)Link on the King of Red Lions (Exclusive)Link on the King of Red Lions (Exclusive)Link on the King of Red Lions (Exclusive)

NAME: Link on the King of Red Lions

SOURCE: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

SRP: USD 449.99 (Regular version) | USD 479.99 (Exclusive version)

EDITION SIZE: 1,500 pieces worldwide (Regular version) | 1,300 pieces worldwide (Exclusive version)



Alucard (Twilight Edition)Alucard (Exclusive)Alucard (Twilight Edition)Alucard (Exclusive)

NAME: Alucard

SOURCE: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

SRP: USD 499.99 (Regular version) | USD 499.99 (Exclusive version) | USD 499.99 (Twilight Edition)

EDITION SIZE: 700 pieces worldwide (Regular version) | 450 pieces worldwide (Exclusive version) | 575 pieces worldwide (Twilight Edition)


You may now cast your votes HERE.


Who do you think will deliver the highlight reel knockout punch for this match? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.



What is the King of the Ring Tournament? Click here


KotR Tourney #4 | Match #3KotR Tourney #4 | Match #5

Last Update 2019-05-29 09:42:49
Read 1722 Times

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