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Mar 24, 2020 Writen By: Dabid Kuhrt

The F4F Week in Review #1

for 16-20 March 2020

A lot happens each and every week in the wild world of First 4 Figures, and if you’re not paying close attention, you just might miss something! That’s why we’re introducing this continuing series that will recap everything that’s happened in the world of F4F each week so that every fan can easily stay up to date. Here’s what happened last week in the world of First 4 Figures, from 16-20 March 2020...

Skull Knight White Bone Variant Teaser


The biggest First 4 Figures headline news of last week was undoubtedly the announcement of the impending product launch for the Berserk - Skull Knight 1/4 scale statue! First mentioned back in 2017, fans have been waiting a long time for the Skull Knight to make his grandiose entrance--and now they know it will finally occur this 27 March 2020!

But while there are undoubtedly many surprises to be unveiled during the launch, one squeaked out in a teaser photo at the end of last week: the existence of a Skull Knight White Bone Variant! There's still plenty more to be revealed during the Skull Knight launch, so be sure to sign up for updates to receive a reminder when Skull Knight officially goes up for order!

F4F OCC Teasers Week in Review March 16 20 2020


One of the biggest perks of being a member of the First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club on Facebook is getting to see exclusive teasers and sneak peeks of current and future projects before anyone else (and if you’re not a member already, you should go and join right now)!

Last week, Alex Davis posted two new “tee-hee” teasers for members to see: a purple sharp-clawed foot and what appears to be some sort of green, white and orange design. What could they be...? Speculation is already running rampant within the OCC, so head on over to those threads and join the discussion yourself if you have some theories of your own!


These are difficult and uncertain times due to the ongoing global pandemic, and First 4 Figures is working hard to be responsive to the needs of many collectors during this period. Last week, F4F CEO Alex Davis announced that the F4F website has now implemented the ability for customers to delay their payments for up to 24 weeks, up from the previous maximum of 12 weeks.

Users now have the ability to manage this one week at a time. While this is likely to be a temporary change, it will, hopefully, help many collectors stay on track and able to continue adding to their collections!

First 4 Figures Logo Sign for New Studio


One of the more unexpected things to happen last week occurred when Alex posted a short video inside of the OCC showing off a new custom-made F4F logo sign intended to reside in the new studio!

Although this particular sign has a defect and won't actually be used, a perfect model will be set up on the table while taping videos in the new studio. Alex is also looking forward to having a bigger version made to place on the shelves in the new studio!

F4F Member Spotlight 1 Matthew Chesher


An all-new feature debuted in the First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club last week: F4F Member Spotlights! These are short interviews with a member of the OCC, which consist of a post presenting a pre-conducted Q&A with an F4F representative, followed by a week for other members to reply to the post and ask the chosen one their own questions for a chance to randomly win F4F Rewards Points.

Look for the completed version of the F4F Member Spotlight #1: Matthew Chesher to appear as an article right here on the website soon! Meanwhile, the very first Top Contributors post also appeared last week, listing and celebrating the top 15 most prolific members in the OCC. Did you make the cut? Drop on by and see!

King of the Ring VI Week 5 Shovel Knight vs Pac Man


While TT polls took a rare week off last week, King of the Ring VI kept moving full steam ahead! We’re currently coming toward the end of Week 5 of the 6th F4F King of the Ring tournament, and things are looking bleak for the remaining entrants! All but two entrants (Eddy Lap and John Winter) were eliminated in Week 4 when Zelda PVC eliminated Luigi PVC, and if Shovel Knight defeats Pac-Man this week, the final two participants will be eliminated and the tournament will end!

As usual, OCC member Kei Meara created a mind-blowing post full of charts and data summarizing the most recent results from the event, so be sure to check that out if you’re a fan of the KOTR Tournament.

And don’t forget to vote in Match 5 between Shovel Knight and Pac-Man if you haven’t done so already! The fate of the tournament is in your hands!

F4F Animal Crossing Discussion Community Post


Finally, two major Nintendo releases were also discussed last week within the OCC: the newly-released Animal Crossing: New Horizons game for Nintendo Switch, as well as the Luigi's Mansion DLC Pack #1!

The Animal Crossing Community Post in the group gives members of the Collectors Club an easy place to share their friend codes to visit each others' islands, so if you're just getting started out in the newest installment of Animal Crossing, it's a great place to make new friends with islands to visit!


...And that's it for the First 4 Figures main attractions of last week! Did you learn anything new from this Week in Review? And what happened last week in the F4F universe that you’re most excited about? Let us know in the comments section below!

Last Update 2020-03-24 18:58:51
Read 2334 Times
Published in The F4F Week in Review

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