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Dec 02, 2021 Writen By: Sunnix Chan

TT Poll #279: Parasite Eve

It’s that time of the week again folks. Don’t forget to cast your votes! #TT279


Parasite Eve is an action role-playing horror game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix). The game was released for the PlayStation back in 1998 and is a sequel to the titular Japanese novel written by Hideaki Sena. Parasite Eve II was released a year after the original game came out, and a pseudo-sequel entitled The 3rd Birthday launched in 2010 for the PlayStation Portable.


Parasite Eve's story revolves around New York City police officer Aya Brea and her struggles in stopping an evil threat called "Eve," a mitochondrial parasite inside a woman's body planning to destroy all life on Earth. Along the way, Aya discovers her connection with Eve and why she's immune to Eve's powers against the rest of humanity.


Parasite Eve was praised for its graphics, cinematic cutscenes, and mature tone as Square's first-ever M-rated video game. Parasite Eve novel author Hideaki Sena praised the developers for how well they translated his novel into video game format. As of February 2004, the game has sold over 1.94 million copies worldwide and is now part of the PlayStation Network since 2011.


And so, for today's 279th Temptation Thursdays poll, we shall focus on Eve, the main antagonist of Parasite Eve.


You may now cast your votes HERE*.

*You must be a member of our Official Collectors Club to vote.


To learn a little bit more about Parasite Eve, you may check out Wikipedia’s write-up.


For those who want to learn more about First 4 Figures’ Temptation Thursday polls, kindly click HERE.


TT Poll #277: Tokyo GhoulTT Poll Complete Results

Last Update 2021-12-13 04:25:09
Read 1903 Times
Published in Temptation Thursdays

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