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Feb 13, 2020 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

TT Poll #186: Bastion

It’s that time of the week again folks. Don’t forget to cast your votes! #TT186


Bastion is an action role-playing video game developed by Supergiant Games and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. It first came out for the Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows in 2011, Apple devices in 2012, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in 2015, Xbox One in 2016, and the Nintendo Switch in 2018. The story revolves around the restoration and survival of the post-apocalyptic world of Caelondia after the catastrophe known as the Calamity. It is up to the player to collect Shards that are scattered across the land to restore the only haven they have left, the Bastion.


For a game that was developed only by a team of seven, it did not fall short in any aspect whatsoever. Both players and critics enjoyed much of what this indie had to offer, the most notable of which were its narration, art, soundtrack, and gameplay. All these elements combined unraveled a rich and colorful world that made for an immersive experience. By January 2015, the game had sold over 3 million copies worldwide and won multiple accolades from numerous award ceremonies.


And so, for today's 186th Temptation Thursdays poll, we shall focus on the Kid from the Bastion video game series.


You may now cast your votes HERE*.

*You must be a member of our Official Collectors Club to vote.


To learn a little bit more about Bastion, you may check out Wikipedia’s write-up.



For those who want to learn more about First 4 Figures’ Temptation Thursday polls, kindly click HERE.


TT Poll #185: The Witcher 3: Wild HuntTT Poll Complete Results

Last Update 2020-02-13 09:44:39
Read 1306 Times
Published in Temptation Thursdays

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